Sunday, November 25, 2012

Journal - November 23rd

Today I met with my supervisor to discuss about my sculpture creating process. I showed my supervisor my working video and she was happy with it. Although so, I am no where near finish with my sculpture. True, I still have about 2 weeks to make it but I should work faster. Today I was suppose to do a self-assesment on criteria E which is determining whether or not my goals and design specifications are met. I gave myself a grade of 1 today because I have only achieved 1 out of 5 design specifications. I have to keep on working. Hopefully I'll be done on time.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Journal - Penny Purnawati

Tante Penny, is what I call her. This very strong of a lady introduced herself to me in a hospital. There was a photo shoot in Siloam Hospital, Jakarta that day. She was wearing a red dress and her make-up on her face.  Her hair was very short though, it was only about 2 cm, her head shape can be seen. From a distance, she seemed bald. However, her face was very beautiful.
I talked to her in front of the hospital room. She spoke pretty much perfect English, her English was better than mine, I was embarrassed. We had a good conversation though. Tante Penny is a very out-going person, it was easy to talk to her and she was very open about her cancer. She told me the story from the beginning when it started.
She had known about the 'lump' since three years before she treats it medically. During those three years, what she did was give massage to it. Many rumored that by giving it massage, the lump will go away in time. But after three years, the lump is still there. She checked back to the doctor and found out that she has breast cancer and is in the third stadium.
The situation became critical. She had to do a scanning on her whole body to find out whether or not the cancer cells have spread to other parts of her body. If it have, she had no other choice. It was frightening. Thankfully though, when the results came out, the cancer cells are only growing in her breast.
She then decided to under-go mastectomy. She lost her right breast and had to do chemotherapy and radiation. I asked her how she felt about all that. She said it was hard. It was weird to look in the mirror and have a completely flat right part of the chest. Something tangible used to be there, touching the part where her right breast used to be was weird.
Nevertheless, she had full support from her husband of 12 years and from her friends and family as well. They all kept her going. Now Tante Penny is a woman who had inspired so many breast cancer patients.

Purnawati, Penny. Personal Interview. 22 Sept 2012.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Journal - 13 November

Today I have finished my sculpture design. It's been very hard for me to design this because I can't seem to get the design interesting enough (for lack of a better word). It's quite challenging to put all the emotions I got from my interviews into one sculpture design. This is more than just an illness. Breast cancer is losing a very big part of a woman's life. As hard as losing a husband, is losing a breast for us women. I have grown to know all these women I interviewed and I have been trying to do my best to make the best design, but this is all I can come up with. As of right now, this is the design that I will make a sculpture out of. If along the way I came up with a better design, I will change it then. But here it is right now.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Journal - Dinda Nawangwulan

Today I met with Dinda Nawangwulan. She is the founder and make-up artist for a photography company, Shimmer Inc. I was researching on the internet about breast cancer survivors and her name came up. She had been on many magazines, radios, and local events, sharing her story of surviving breast cancer. I was very interested in the magazine and newspaper articles I read about her online so I typed in her name on Google. Turns out she has a Twitter account and that was good so I know I can contact her easily. The only problem was me myself does not have a Twitter account, but for the sake of personal project, I decided to make one. As soon as I made an account, I followed @DindaShimmerinc and sent her a tweet asking for her favor to be willing to do an interview with me. Being such a nice lady that she is, she replied me through direct message on Twitter. From there we talked, she offered me her number (such a kind lady!) and we arranged to meet in Cilandak Town Square, earlier today. 
The meeting today was supposed to be at 5 p.m. which is when she got out of work but she tried to get out early so she was waiting for me in Cilandak Town Square since 4 p.m. When I saw her for the first time, I didn’t imagine her to look like she did. She looked a bit tired but she was beautiful though, definitely younger than I thought she’d be. When she saw me, she was excited- I can hear it from her voice- she is such an easy-going person. She even used slang language! After I introduced myself and explained to her what this interview is for, we decided to have dinner together. I started asking her questions and we just had a normal talk. A talk that an aunt and her niece might have. 
From everything she told me, I found out that she was diagnosed with breast cancer stadium 1. She had the initiative to check herself because there’s a bump on her right breast that was like a pinky-nail penetrating. When the doctor diagnosed it, she was shocked at first but she didn’t break down. The cause of this breast cancer is her lifestyle from the past 10 years. It wasn’t healthy, she smoked, eat unhealthy and etc. Also, 25% of it is because it had been passed on to her, her aunt got breast cancer and so she got the gene. 
Tante (in English that means aunt and it is what I refer to her as) Dinda was never devastated by cancer, she decided to not put herself down for doing that will make her condition worse and her healing progress, slower. Although so, she had her fears. She was afraid that she might not live again she was afraid of losing the people she loved, and she was afraid of not being able to do the things she did. Another big fear of hers is of course, economy. Who is going to pay for the surgery and chemotherapy bills? Thankfully she had her sister who helped so much. As those things were going on in her mind, she had to take an action.
She decided to do a mastectomy, which is the removal of the breast that got infected by cancer, but she reconstructed the breast using her belly skin + fat. She was insecure, losing one of her breast isn’t something easy. It isn’t like losing a phone, this is much more painful (emotionally). She is such a strong woman and therefore she never pity herself and spend hours crying about this problem. In fact, she sees breast cancer as something positive. Had she not suffer from breast cancer, she wouldn’t be the person that she is now. 
She met the love of her life in the hospital when she was undergoing chemotherapy and he was having a heart problem. She was bald, constantly puking and definitely unattractive, but her late husband was very attracted to her. From the moment he saw her, he wanted to marry her. He was so sure of that and so they got together and finally got married. His name was Alex, he helped her through the hardest part of her life and that is coping with chemotherapy and the side-effects it brings to her body. Alex was such an attentive husband to tante Dinda, he would worry about her more than her parents would. They were married for 3 years and during those years everything that Alex did was for the happiness of tante Dinda. Sadly, after being married for three years and as tante Dinda was recovering from breast cancer, Alex died of a heart attack. He had the heart attack when he was with her. They were on their bed and it just happened. Such tragic. She was fine though. She thought of Alex as the angel that God sent to her and she let him go. 
She stayed positive, seeing everything from the bright side. After she fully recovered from breast cancer, she created a community of women with breast cancer. Shared her story nation-wide and is such an inspiration to many patients. She is such an inspiration to me and I’m so glad I found her on Twitter. 
Nawangwulan, Dinda. Personal Interview. 23 Aug 2012.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Journal - Appendix 10 Meeting

From the meeting about appendix 10 today, the three things I understood are:
- What I have to do for appendix 10
- How appendix 10 will help me with my criteria D
- How all the appendixes will help me write my written work in the end

Two things I'm not sure about are:
- When it is due
- The need to have 321 journals

One thing I have no clue about:
- How my appendix 9 will work because my research is a part of my creating phase

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Appendix 9 - RESEARCH NOTE draft I

Investigation Form
Follow these steps to help you research information for your project. You must do the activity one step at the time. 
  1. Defined Problem/Background 
The number of deaths from breast cancer has increased from year to year. About two thirds of women from Indonesia aren’t aware that breast cancer can hit them anytime. Many women and even men have suffered from it and caused so many despair. If the awareness of breast cancer is increase, the level of despair will decrease. That is the background of this project.
  1. Goal :  
My goal is to create an artwork that will portray the emotions and pressure that women who suffered from breast cancer had/has to feel and go through. I decided to create this awareness by approaching the psychological side of cancer, rather than the medical side.

  1. What is your inquiry question? What kinds of information are you looking for?
  • How does the women living with breast cancer feel about having it?
    • What are their emotional needs?
    • What change in their lives since breast cancer?
    • How does breast cancer affect their relationships?
    • How do they feel when they first heard they suffer from it?
    • What are their fears?
    • What happen after they overcome it? (for those who did)
  • What are the types of artwork I can produce to convey the message?
    • How will each artwork convey the message?
    • What tools do I need to create each artwork?
    • How much time will each artwork need to be finished?
  • What are the things that usually make an attempt to increase awareness successful?
    • How each factor “speaks” to the community?
    • What factors doesn’t work on a community?

IDENTIFY THE INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS. (What information do I need? i.e facts, examples, diagrams, table, graphs, experts.)     

Consider: accuracy- (complete); related (on the topic); availability (ease of use); appealing, etc. 
Consider possible sources. e.g. BOOKS, REFERENCE BOOKS (Encyclopedias, dictionaries,  almanacs, other reference materials); AUDIO VISUAL (CD roms, Videos / VCD’S & DVD’S, cassettes, others), PERSONAL INTERVIEWS; INTERNET (record websites used).  Indicate which maybe the best sources and why. 
Locate sources (Where will I find these sources?). List call numbers
Primary Sources: 
  • Interviews with experts and people suffering from breast cancer
  • Books
  • Cancer Hospitals
Secondary Sources:
  • Internet Websites
  • Blogs

I can find Pak Benny in his classroom or I can email him to
Dinda Nawangwulan:
Twitter: @DindaShimmerinc
Phone no.: 081315008431
Ruby Chee is the mother of my friend. I can contact her through my friend’s facebook which is Karyn Chee Sumin.

STEP 4. USE OF INFORMATION NOTE-TAKING SHEET( show  references in a bibliography (MLA)

Criterion A.  Process Journal
Students should demonstrate information literacy, thinking and reflection.
Research Topic 1: How does the women living with breast cancer feel about having it?
Sources (MLA)
Melchor-Beaupre, Regina. “Psychological Aspects of Coping with Cancer.” Cpancf. 25 July 2012. <>

  • They think it’s the end of their life
  • Depression
  • Sometimes they’d feel so overwhelmed that they might go suicidal
  • For those whose family had died of cancer in the past, having cancer may bring about anguish and despair. (Melchor-Beaupre)
  • “Frustrating limitations”
  • Some aspects that should be approached during the psychological treatment of cancer patients are humanity, understanding, courage and dignity
Evaluate your sources!  (The Evaluation should be done per-topic research, not per-resource and draft should be posted on the journal)
    1. How the information suited to the project? (Coverage)
  • Does the information help me respond to the inquiry question?
  • Does the information belong to my topic? 
  • Will the information help me to develop my project product?
  • Does the information connect clearly with the area of interaction or aspects of it?
The information suits my project because I need to know the emotions of breast cancer patients. This information helps me design my artwork because I need to know what are the emotions that my artwork should portray.
    1. Is the information source reliable (Authority)?  Where does the information come from?
As of right now, yes the information source is reliable because the author of this article where I got the information from is a psychology doctor and I can prove that. Go to the website and there’s an explanation on the author of the article.
    1. is the information accurate ? Can the information be verified in another source?
Yes, because from two stories that I’ve read about cancer patients, I can tell that what they’re feeling are what the author of the article wrote.
    1. Is the information up-to-date? (Currency)  Is the information current or still valuable if it is older?
I’m actually not sure whether or not the information is up-to-date because there’s not date of when the article is written.
    1. Is the information objective/not biased ? (Objectivity)
It is objective because it’s fact.
    1. What information do I still need?
I still need so much more information because I have to do some interviews with people who actually suffered from breast cancer.
    1. What new questions does my research bring?
Nothing, so far.

Criterion A.  Process Journal
Students should demonstrate information literacy, thinking and reflection.
Research Topic 2: What are the types of artwork I can produce to convey the message?
Sources (MLA)
Kharismana, Benny. Personal Interview. 25 July 2012.
Adisuardhana, Bagaskoro. Personal Interview. 23 July 2012.

Photography Essay Storytelling. 2012. 1 August 2012. <>

  • Made out of gypsum
  • Shape of a crossed ribbon
  • “The surface will be more rough than ceramic.” (Adisuardhana, 2012)
  • Canvas with oil or acrylic paint
  • Compilation of pictures that tells a story
  • Not based of technicality of the photos rather the subjectivity (Kharismana, 2012)
  • Some photo essays tell a story of an event, it can be taken in a single day. Other times, photographers take longer time to spend time with the subject. If the photo essay will be telling a story about a person or a specific neighborhood, the photographer may spend months or even years with the person or going back and forth the neighborhood. It will definitely be better if the photographer has a special understanding of the photo essay subject because as they are taking pictures, they will know what and when they can get the best pictures to show the story they want to portray in the photo essay.
  • Photo essay doesn’t have to be about something big, it can simply be about subject or event that has an important story to it. A photo essay documents the human condition and therefore a good photo essay should be one that will still get people in the future to “feel” the story.

Evaluate your sources!  (The Evaluation should be done per-topic research, not per-resource and draft should be posted on the journal)
    1. How the information suited to the project? (Coverage)
  • Does the information help me respond to the inquiry question?
  • Does the information belong to my topic? 
  • Will the information help me to develop my project product?
  • Does the information connect clearly with the area of interaction or aspects of it?
The information helps me with my project because I have to decide which artwork is best for me to make. These information helps me because it shows the pros and the cons of each possibility. The information that I have on photo essays is very useful because it's giving me more ideas about the artwork but it is also making me scared because I'm afraid the women I will deal with, will be offended if I take pictures of them.
    1. Is the information source reliable (Authority)?  Where does the information come from?
Yes it is very much reliable because both sources are primary sources. Benny Kharismana is the art teacher in my school and Bagaskoro Adisuardhana is an alumnus at my school who was an art student. For his final artworks he made a sculpture out of gypsum.
    1. is the information accurate ? Can the information be verified in another source?
Yes, because I can also find it in my research. I don’t put my research on this file though, because they’re not very helpful. 
    1. Is the information up-to-date? (Currency)  Is the information current or still valuable if it is older?
It is up-to-date because I did the interview not even two weeks ago and the website is dated 2012. Which is just this year.
    1. Is the information objective/not biased ? (Objectivity)
It is objective because it’s fact.
    1. What information do I still need?
I still need so much more information because I believe there are more types of artwork that I can do. I also need more information on each of the types I have right now. Since my research is part of my creating phase, this whole thing will be on-going. I will try to do each of the types of artwork so that I can see which one I actually would like to do.
    1. What new questions does my research bring?
What kind of painting can I make? What should I do to make a photography essay that can create awareness?

Criterion A.  Process Journal
Students should demonstrate information literacy, thinking and reflection.
Research Topic 3: What are the things that usually make an attempt to increase awareness successful?
Sources (MLA)
Smith, Barbara. “What Makes a Successful Public Awareness Campaign?” OECD. 24 July 2012. <>

  • Persuasive
  • Slogans
  • Catch-ons
  • Understandable
  • Pictures that are unusual
  • Colors that are bright and eye-catching
Create/show something that the audience can relate to.
Evaluate your sources!  (The Evaluation should be done per-topic research, not per-resource and draft should be posted on the journal)
    1. How the information suited to the project? (Coverage)
  • Does the information help me respond to the inquiry question?
  • Does the information belong to my topic? 
  • Will the information help me to develop my project product?
  • Does the information connect clearly with the area of interaction or aspects of it?
The information helps me with my project because of course I want to create a public awareness artwork that will be successful.
    1. Is the information source reliable (Authority)?  Where does the information come from?
I am still not sure whether or not the source is reliable but I think the author knows what she’s talking about because it’s really common sense.
    1. is the information accurate ? Can the information be verified in another source?
Yes, because I can also find it in my other research and when I put myself in the audience position, those things would persuade me.
    1. Is the information up-to-date? (Currency)  Is the information current or still valuable if it is older?
It is not up-to-date because the pdf was made in 2006, but I know that the information still is helpful to my research.
    1. Is the information objective/not biased ? (Objectivity)
It is objective because it’s fact.
    1. What information do I still need?
I still need more information because I think it’d be best if I get some information from primary source. That way, I’ll be more sure of what I should do.
    1. What new questions does my research bring?

Appendix 8 - DEFINE THE GOAL

Since my project and goal had changed a little bit throughout the holidays. I had to fill out appendix 8 over again. Here is the updated appendix 8 with my latest goal, inquiry question, project outcome's specifications and timeline.

Area of interaction focus
 The AOI provides the context of the personal project process
Which area of interaction will be my focus?
How does the inquiry cycle work within my project?


Health and Social Education
My topic is breast cancer awareness. Just from the name of it, you can guess that what I will do for my personal project is increase breast cancer awareness. I am motivated to to this project because I realized the awareness of breast cancer in Indonesia is very low and it’s very sad for me to see all the beautiful women, especially moms, die due to breast cancer. I got my inspiration to do this project from the people I know who suffered and died or suffered and over-come it. 

The inquiry cycle will work because this project will increase my awareness/understanding through my investigation on social issues. I will take action by presenting values and responsibilities.
What will you do?
Who will be your targeted people/community?
How will you accomplish your goal?
What I will do is create an artwork that has sentimental values. This artwork, may it be a sculpture, painting, etc., will need to be able to portray the emotions that these women who suffered from breast cancer feel. My targeted people and community will be the women who goes to this special women hospital. I will accomplish my goal by getting to know these women who suffered from breast cancer. I will try my best to get them to trust me and tell me about their feelings. After that, I take all those feelings and design plus create an artwork that’ll portray them.

What pressure does women suffering from breast cancer go through and what kind of artwork is best to convey that message?
  • How does the women living with breast cancer feel about having it?
    • What are their emotional needs?
    • What change in their lives since breast cancer?
    • How does breast cancer affect their relationships?
    • How do they feel when they first heard they suffer from it?
    • What are their fears?
    • What happen after they overcome it? (for those who did)
  • What are the types of artwork I can produce to convey the message?
    • How will each artwork convey the message?
    • What tools do I need to create each artwork?
- How much time will each artwork need to be finished?
  • What are the things that usually make an attempt to increase awareness successful?
    • How each factor “speaks” to the community?
    • What factors doesn’t work on a community?

My product will be an artwork that portrays the emotions and pressure that women with breast cancer has to go through.
The specifications of my project’s outcome is that (1) it has to be an artwork or at least some thing that has artistic values. I have that as one of my outcome specification because art is known to be able to convey very deep emotions compare to other things such as movies, slogans, posters, etc. An artwork will get the audience analyzing it rather than just looking at it. (2) It needs to be able to be publicized in a public place without having to do extra work to publicize it. The artwork needs to be put in a public place otherwise this whole idea is a waste. My target audience are the women in a hospital and in order for me to be allowed to “hang” my artwork in a hospital, it needs to be simple. (3) It needs to portray emotions of the women suffering from breast cancer. That is the main goal of my project, so if my artwork doesn’t portray any emotion then I don’t achieve my goal.(4) The emotions that I will try to put on the artwork needs to be truly felt by at least 3 women. To prove whether or not my artwork will create awareness, I need to really test it. I chose to have at least 3 women “feel” it because I guess 3 is the “legal” number. (5) The artwork has to be something that is everlasting, meaning it won’t break through time. If I create an artwork that will break, then this project means nothing. The artwork needs to be able to make generations of women, aware of breast cancer.
TIMELINE TO ACHIEVE MY GOAL.  The planning must be adjusted to School Personal Project Timeline




Submit research note draft 1
Submit research note draft 2

Prepare for meetings with women who suffered/suffering breast cancer

Meet and interview a lady in Malaysia who over-came breast cancer

Continue researching on artworks during the holiday

Meet and interview Dinda Nawangwulan
Meet with supervisor and see what I can do from that moment. Whether or not I need to meet more women, etc.

Interview Pak Benny to ask for suggestion 

Decide on the type of artwork that I will make

Start compiling everything I need to create the artwork (tools, materials, photos, etc.)
Finalizing research

Start working on artwork

Finalizing research

Work on final product

Work on final product

Work on final product
Putting finishing touches on final product

Start working on outline of written work

Finalizing final product

Test the final product to 3 women

Compiling every information I have by then

Finish outline of written work
Meet with supervisor and evaluate final product and outline of written work

Work on written work

Work on written work

Work on written work
Submit written work draft 1 to supervisor

Work on written work

Submit written work draft 2 to supervisor

Putting final touches on written work
Finalizing written work 

Submit final product and final draft of written work